Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Friday, June 15, 2012
Sherlock Holmes (A character reveiw)
The tales of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson have been passed down for quite a few generations. Written in the late 19th century, the collection of stories depicts the adventures of the duo as they fight crime in 19th century England. The classic humor of Sir Aurthor Conan Doyle is very amusing to me, despite the fact that i was born more than a century after the first story was published. Many detective novels have been written and published since then, but i have not found one yet, classic or modern, that i enjoyed more than the adventures of Mr, Holmes.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Sunday, April 8, 2012
He's Alive!

Although the physical part of Christ's suffering was the most visible to man, it was not the worst part for Jesus. Taking the sin of humanity upon Himself meant being seperated from the Father. The suffering that our Lord felt within his spirit was far more than that of his physical suffering. He had spent all of His life, from the beginning of time with the Father. And now, to be seperated at the most horrific time of His existance, must have been unbarable...but He did bare it.

Now, if Jesus just died and was no more, then why are we worshiping Him? I will tell you why, it is because is not dead! The Bible says(and there is historical fact to prove it)that three days after his death on the cross of Calvary He rose back out of the grave, victorious over sin and death! Some churches have large stain-glass windows that depict Jesus hanging on the cross. I like the fact that the cross is the focus and that they know what our whole faith is about, but Jesus is not on that cross anymore! He is alive and well! The world would like to tell us that it is a fairy tale, but if you are saved you know deep down in your heart that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the 100% truth!
If you read this, and are not saved, I strongly encourage you to invite Christ into your life! If you know the scriptures, believe what they say, but just live a moral life and do not truly live for God with all of your heart, then you are not saved! Do not pass up what Jesus did for you on the cross! It is the most expensive gift ever given to man...but He offers it for free!

If you are confused about how to be saved and would like to speak with me personally, feel free to comment on this post, or email me at
God Bless!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Friday, March 23, 2012
In 2011 a large church in Albany, Georgia produced their third film. The movie was entitled "Courageous" and was about the challenges and responsibilities of fatherhood. It called out the men of America to be spiritual leaders in the home. So many kids today grow up, live their lives, and go to hell because their father didn't do his job, as a parent. The father was meant to do more than just put food on the table.
I completely agree with this movie, and encourage anyone who has not seen it, to buy it or borrow it from someone. It's contents are very inspiring! I was moved to be a Godly man and a strong father...and I am only fifteen! Haha!
A contemperary Christian band called Casting Crowns produced a song that was to accompany the film. The track was called "Courageous" just as the film was. While i loved the movie, i wasnt so impressed by the song. Chorus:
We were made to lead the way
We could be the generationThat finally breaks the chains...
We were made to be courageous....
The movie told a story of a group of friends who were incapable of doing anything worth-while of themselves. Do you notice how much the song says the word We? The song basically says that we are strong and courageous and we can do it if we just stand up and try hard enough. Oh how i wish this were true! As a human, i long to be self-suficiant! However, the Bible clearly lays out the fact that we can't do anything of lasting value without the father's help! John 15:5 says, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." It is ridiculous to think that we can acomplish anything that will last into eternity without God. It would be stupid to even try. Alot of people get confused and discouraged because they say "I just cant do it"...let me tell you a little one can!!! If we could live the life we should without His help, why would we need Jesus at all? The power that victorious Christians display on a daily basis is not their own, it comes from God. The Bible plainly says that true "courage" comes from spending time in fellowship with God!
Keep fighting the fight against hell, fellow brothers and sisters!
Love you all!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The "Thug Culture"
Hello everyone! How are you doing? I have not been able to post on this blog for a little while because I have been on vacation (I may write about my travels in a future post) to the Bahamas. Through the week I thought about my next post off and on. Allthough I wanted to come up with somthing good, I did not want to ruin my trip by banging my head against the wall in an attempt to think up a blog idea. However about halfway through the trip, on the top deck of the cruise ship, my next post walked up to me....
As my brother and I played chess on a large mat, using plastic pieces that were half as tall as us, I heard a voice from behind. As i turned, i saw that it was a teenage boy, slightley shorter than me. I said hi to him and we began talking. After a few minuetes I found out that he was 16, lived in Florida, and his name was Justin. Although he didnt say it out loud, I could tell that he thought he was pretty tough. The way that he walked reaked of rebelion and self love. The gym shorts that he wore sagged below his beltline. A large, baggy t-shirt adorned his shoulders. The black and white hat with the super-man sign on the front was turned around backward on his head. The clothes that he wore, instantly made me wary of him, for I have known boys like him in the past. As we contined to talk I could sense that he wasnt satisfied. The joy of the Lord was not burning in his heart. This boy was definently not a Christian. As we continued to talk, he soon revealed the fact that he enjoyed smoking, drinking, and rebeling against authority. Another thing that I learned about him was his favorite type of music....Hip Hop.
In this day and age, boys do not look up to the figures that boys from the past once did. While boys from the past wanted to be a great warrior, or a leader of some kind, the boys of the 21st century want to be just like the next rapper. These artists that produce most of the hip hop music give an image of being tough, being bad. The days of being a nice young artist and rhymeing words to create clever phrases and lines are over. Today, you must be part of the "Thug Culture" to make it with the younger generation. It baffles me why someone would want to dress, act, and look like the rappers of today. I am going to let you in on a secret....THEY LOOK RIDICULOUS!!!!
The Thug Culure started with artists like Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg. They founded somthing that would help to crush society as we know it. In the mid-20th century, gangs were looked on as what they were, kids without a home. Now, it is a great honor and privalage to be in a gang! Young kids think that they can only be accepted if they are in a gang. In this age that we live in, girls are largly attracted to the guys who put on the gang/thug look.
While the early hip-hop/rap artists subtly hinted about things such as drugs, violence, and casual sex, the artists of today blatantly spell out their message. Allthough it is no surprise that the music industry is moving down into a pit of sin and vulgar conduct, it is a shame that society on a whole (including kids) has moved with it. Just think what this generation will be like when we are adults! When everyone on the streets is a rebel and a thug we might as well go back to the dark ages. And as time goes on, the human condition always gets worse. Think about the next generation after this one. What will they be like?
The "Thug Culture" has influenced America and the world in such a powerful way that I do not think we will ever recover from the toll that it has taken on the youth of this generation and the generations to follow. When we quit lifting up soldiers, doctors, preachers, leaders, and especially God, and start replaceing them with delinquents such as Wiz Khalifa, Lil Wayne, and Eminem, the entire way of living turns upside down!
Lil Wayne (This is his mug-shot from when he was arrested, by the way)

Wiz Khalifa
Snoop Dogg
Monday, February 6, 2012
Time of Need
Hello all, i have been struggling to come up with an idea for my next post. I have stalled and procrastinated too long already! I have thrown around a few basic thoughts and have finally picked one that i hope will be beneficial to anyone reading this.
As humans, we like to think that our strength is enough. We like to be "self-sufficient" in our daily tasks and sometimes even in the way we serve God. Standing without any one's help boosts our human pride. There wouldn't be anything wrong with this except....whoops pride is a sin! Yeah, i said it. That "dreadful" word that no one wants to hear in this day and age.
If you are working hard to make your way in the world so you don't have to rely on others for charity, more power to you! There is nothing wrong with being a hard worker, in fact the Bible tells us that Christians should be vigilant, hard-working people. Working hard and supporting yourself is not pride, but when you need help and are not able to open up to a friend, pastor, or even God, there is something wrong.
In an attempt to keep us from praying and trusting in God, Satan has several lies that he feeds God's people to keep them in despair and defeat:
1. God doesn't want you to come to Him.
Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. -Matt 11:28
God is desperately wanting you to come to Him in faith and ask for help!
2. I don't deserve the grace of God and thus have no right to ask anything of Him.
-Hebrews 4:16
As humans, we like to think that our strength is enough. We like to be "self-sufficient" in our daily tasks and sometimes even in the way we serve God. Standing without any one's help boosts our human pride. There wouldn't be anything wrong with this except....whoops pride is a sin! Yeah, i said it. That "dreadful" word that no one wants to hear in this day and age.
As you read this post you are probably thinking that this whole thing is going to be me chewing you out for being prideful. However this is SO not true. This is in fact a big problem in my life as well! I am writing this article to state what is on my mind and to tell you the truth about this subject. Although this article has stated a lot about our pretend smiles and words before men, i would like to concentrate mostly on God.
Satan would want to keep us in the dark, alone, fighting a losing battle. He knows that if he keeps us fighting alone that we will always be in defeat! The devil gets worried when you cry out to God. In an attempt to keep us from praying and trusting in God, Satan has several lies that he feeds God's people to keep them in despair and defeat:
1. God doesn't want you to come to Him.
This is a big one. If Satan can keep you blinded to God's love for you, and willingness to help you, then he has you right where he wants you. If you will study the Bible you realize that God is aching to help us with our issues and problems. He wants to come down and put peace in our hearts.
God is desperately wanting you to come to Him in faith and ask for help!
Satan will tell you that because of your unworthiness, you can not receive anything God has for you. He will try to convince you that the others around you are good enough but YOU are not! In Romans 3:23 God says "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." EVERYONE is unworthy and has no right to ask anything of God, but because He is so awesome and loving, He not only allows us to speak to Him but also takes an interest in our sufferings that no human ever would. "Casting all your cares upon Him, for He careth for you" are words from a verse in 1 Peter that outline the care that God has for us.
I feel like there is alot more i could say and many more verses that i could quote, but I think that one verse sums up what we are to do when we find ourselves in any type of trouble whether it be sin, physical sickness, financial issues, or anything else that you can think of:
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
God Bless you all!
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
I have a few questions about God.... 1. Why does He love me? -Answer: I have no idea! Just because He is God i guess!
2. Why does He spend His time on such a frail, meaningless creature as me? Answer: Don't really know the answer to that either...He is just perfect! :)
If you didn't notice already, I am extremely thankful for God's goodness today! I am feeling so encouraged and touched by His magnificent power that i feel a need to scream His goodness to the world! God is the answer to EVERY problem that you have! Bondage? God can free you from it! Depression? God can fix it! Need love? God will give it! Sick? God can heal you! Poor? God will provide for you (physically and spiritually)!
I have been going through a tremendous battle in my mind and God has freed me from it! The confusion is gone! The doubts are gone! The joy of the Lord has returned to my heart and i feel like i could just run, jump, and fly away! The Lord Jesus Christ is truly wonderful!
Just a few things i thought i would share with you:
You say.....God says......
1.You say "it is impossible!"
God says "All things are possible!"
And He said, The things which are impossible with men are possible with God.
-Luke 18:272. You say "I am afraid."
God says "I have not given you a spirit of fear."
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.
-2 Tim 1:7
3. You say "I feel all alone."
God says "I will never leave you nor forsake you."
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have; for He hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.
-Heb 13:5

All scripture verses taken from the King James version of the Bible.
God Bless!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
My random thoughts
Hello all! I haven't been updating this blog as much as i should in the past month, i am sorry. My mind has been in a whirlwind of confusion since Christmas break. The shopping, buying, wrapping, giving, receiving, eating, New-year's celebrating, iced-window scraping season has left me utterly exhausted! I am ready for the warm weather to return. I long to be on the creaking porch swing again, reading for hours at a time, instead of trudging away on my schoolwork and trying to keep warm! Wintertime without snow just doesn't really excite me.
I am glad to be back on the "blogger-sphere" as my friend Rachel calls it, and i wish you all well in 2012! :)
2012 is going to be a busy, crazy, and eventful year. However one thing it will not be is boring! I am excited to complete my second year of home-school (a much, much, smoother year than the first, i might add!). My father has helped me to purchase a car....the only problem is...i have no money! Ha ha! So i will be starting my first job this summer to pay for my share (add another check to the to-do list!). My pastor and some other men from my church (including myself) have been working to remodel an old church to worship in, and to use as a place to house unstable people and show them the light of the Gospel! I am EXTREMELY excited about the fact that it is scheduled to be completed in March of this year! I cannot wait to witness what God has in store for us! Another thing that i am planning to do this year (Lord willing) is to begin my first year of Bible school! Although I am a born-again Christian, i have a fairly limited knowledge of the Bible. I am really looking forward to the class and i am anxious to see what God will do through it in my life! I have no idea what God has in store for me, but i am itching to find out! :)
On a less important note, i am currently in the middle of reading Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Doyle wrote many short stories with Sherlock Holmes as the main character. The book that i have includes all 23 of his original stories in chronological order so that it reads out like a novel. I enjoy this book so much! The classic humor that it contains has actually made me begin to laugh out loud in a silent room (does not usually happen with me)! I can almost never guess the outcome of the next case until i have read it through to the end (as i can with other detective novels that do not have such a strange twist in the conclusion).
I have just completed reading the first book in John Flanagan's new series, Brotherband. For those of you who have never heard of this author and his work, you should know that he wrote an 11-book series called Rangers Apprentice that i found immensely entertaining and well written. Brotherband is a series similar to Rangers Apprentice, in that it is set in the same world. I loved the setting and plot of Ranger's Apprentice. However, after about book 10, the characters where beginning to wear a bit thin. With his writing style and a new set of characters, i have once again been pulled headlong in the whirling, twisting, clashing world of John Flanagan's imagination! I am impatiently waiting for book 2 to come out in May!
I know that this post has deviated away from my usual topics but i just felt like spilling my current life to the online community. :)
Guest Post!
Hey everyone!
Allthough my following is extremely small, i thought i should tell you that i have just done a guest post for a friend of mine.
I hope you will all check it it out!
Allthough my following is extremely small, i thought i should tell you that i have just done a guest post for a friend of mine.
I hope you will all check it it out!
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