Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall
And all the kings horses and all the kings men
Couldn’t put humpty together again
The old rime stops like that leaving Humpty broken and hurting. However, I would like to add a second half to that rime.
Humpty Dumpty cried
Without a hope to cling
But in one last breath he said,
May I see the King?
As unbelievers we were all Humpty Dumptys, broken and hurting. But one day we met someone who told us of the Gospel(All the King's men). You may be hurting and broken, if so don’t try to fix yourself, it is impossible. You may ask a man or woman of God for counseling or help in your life, and that is a good thing to do, but until you truly ask to see the King(Jesus Christ), you will never be truly healed.
"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laiden, and i will give you rest"
-Matt 11:28
"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laiden, and i will give you rest"
-Matt 11:28