Friday, March 23, 2012


     In 2011 a large church in Albany, Georgia produced their third film. The movie was entitled "Courageous" and was about the challenges and responsibilities of fatherhood. It called out the men of America to be spiritual leaders in the home. So many kids today grow up, live their lives, and go to hell because their father didn't do his job, as a parent. The father was meant to do more than just put food on the table.


     I completely agree with this movie, and encourage anyone who has not seen it, to buy it or borrow it from someone. It's contents are very inspiring! I was moved to be a Godly man and a strong father...and I am only fifteen! Haha!
     A contemperary Christian band called Casting Crowns produced a song that was to accompany the film. The track was called "Courageous" just as the film was. While i loved the movie, i wasnt so impressed by the song.

We were made to be courageous
We were made to lead the way
We could be the generation
That finally breaks the chains...
We were made to be courageous....

     The movie told a story of a group of friends who were incapable of doing anything worth-while of themselves. Do you notice how much the song says the word We? The song basically says that we are strong and courageous and we can do it if we just stand up and try hard enough. Oh how i wish this were true! As a human, i long to be self-suficiant! However, the Bible clearly lays out the fact that we can't do anything of lasting value without the father's help! John 15:5 says, "I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing." It is ridiculous to think that we can acomplish anything that will last into eternity without God. It would be stupid to even try. Alot of people get confused and discouraged because they say "I just cant do it"...let me tell you a little one can!!! If we could live the life we should without His help, why would we need Jesus at all? The power that victorious Christians display on a daily basis is not their own, it comes from God. The Bible plainly says that true "courage" comes from spending time in fellowship with God!

Keep fighting the fight against hell, fellow brothers and sisters!

Love you all!