Sunday, April 8, 2012

He's Alive!

     On a day when a majority of the world is celebrating in the form of bunnies, candy, and egg hunts, it is important to stop and reflect on the true meaning of the holiday. It is not just to have a good time, and visit with family or friends. It is not supposed to be just the one day of the year that you attend church. It is a time to stand in awe and appreciation for what Jesus Christ did for us on the cross.
     The physical pain that our Saviour bore on himself was something that i could'nt even pretend to comprehend. The nails, crown of thorns, whippings, peared side, and other afflictions were the Roman's most intense form of punishment. In the Bible, Jesus is described as unrecognizable after the beatings alone! One of the few things that He asked for, while on the cross, was water. I can almost feel the anguish in His heart as they lifted the pole to him and he tasted vinegar instead of water.
     Although the physical part of Christ's suffering was the most visible to man, it was not the worst part for Jesus. Taking the sin of humanity upon Himself meant being seperated from the Father. The suffering that our Lord felt within his spirit was far more than that of his physical suffering. He had spent all of His life, from the beginning of time with the Father. And now, to be seperated at the most horrific time of His existance, must have been unbarable...but He did bare it.

     Now, if Jesus just died and was no more, then why are we worshiping Him? I will tell you why, it is because is not dead! The Bible says(and there is historical fact to prove it)that three days after his death on the cross of Calvary He rose back out of the grave, victorious over sin and death! Some churches have large stain-glass windows that depict Jesus hanging on the cross. I like the fact that the cross is the focus and that they know what our whole faith is about, but Jesus is not on that cross anymore! He is alive and well! The world would like to tell us that it is a fairy tale, but if you are saved you know deep down in your heart that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the 100% truth!

  If you read this, and are not saved, I strongly encourage you to invite Christ into your life! If you know the scriptures, believe what they say, but just live a moral life and do not truly live for God with all of your heart, then you are not saved! Do not pass up what Jesus did for you on the cross! It is the most expensive gift ever given to man...but He offers it for free!

If you would like to read the account of Jesus' life, death, and resurection then I ecourage you to read the Gospels(Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).

If you are confused about how to be saved and would like to speak with me personally, feel free to comment on this post, or email me at

God Bless!
