Thursday, October 27, 2011

Modern Christian it really Christian anymore?

As the American evangelical church drifts farther and farther from true Christianity, so does its music. The pop/rock culture has taken the place of hymns and spirituals songs sang in churches that truly glorified God. Children growing up in this modern age are confused about who God truly is, one of the reasons for that is the lack of true Christian music to back up their beliefs.  
First of all, music is good. God invented music and he loves it when we use this gift to give him praise. Music is mentioned throughout the Bible. Moses and the children of Israel sang a song after the miraculous red sea crossing, David sang and played his harp in praise to the Lord. Psalms (music quoting passages of scripture), Hymns (music glorifying God in his three beings, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost), and finally spiritual songs (music telling of how God has touched you in a personal way) are all excellent ways to glorify God and encourage us in our faith.

Anointed artists (such as John Newton, Bill Gaither, C Austin Miles, Phillip Bliss and many more) who wrote songs that truly glorified God are many times considered obsolete in this modern age. Artists such as Skillet, TobyMac, and Switchfoot are replacing the old gospel tunes we love. A lot of these artists start with good intentions but in the end, begin to lift themselves up instead of God, it turns into a career, instead of a ministry. The “pastors” of today say, “We need something more exciting than just plain Christianity”. They replace the classic clean guitars and pianos with wailing instruments of rock and roll. The churches make their “worship services” louder and louder, and sometimes their congregation begins to grow, but they should ask themselves “Are we really helping these people?” “Or just entertaining them?”

Think about this as you go about your day. Do your play lists include “Contemporary Christian” music that is not truly Christian? Do you listen to secular music that contradicts what you believe? Perhaps we all should search our entertainment and ask God, and ourselves “Is this going to drag me down? Will this discourage my faith? Is God pleased with this?”

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mowing? Or Weeding?

When caring for your yard or garden, there are two ways to eliminate the plants that you do not want to be a part of your yard.

First, there is the quick mowing. Mowing does not kill any weeds or grass in your yard, it only chops off the tops of them to give the appearance of a nicely trimmed lawn. You may mow with your mowing device on the lowest possible setting, but in a few weeks all those weeds and blades of grass will faithfully spring up to annoy you again!

Weeding, however, is a different concept altogether. In strategic places of your land (such as a vegetable or flower garden) you may “weed” the annoying plants instead of just mowing over them. Weeding involves finding the roots of the bad plant and completely destroying it, so that it never returns again. Weeding is a little tougher than mowing though. While you can just do a quick job with a riding or push mower, weeding takes a little more effort.

In our lives there are weeds that we would like to see gone. We sometimes ask God to remove the bad or annoying blemishes in our character. As we make these requests, a lot of times we expect instant results. We want God to simply remove the visible results of the weeds that are in our lives (similar to just mowing over the weeds in your yard). However, God knows that if he just does a “quick mow job” those things won’t be truly gone. God is not interested in a surface deep work in your life. He wants to really dig in there and completely destroy the ugly things from the roots up. Sometimes God’s weeding process takes more time than we have the patience for. It almost seems like God is ignoring our request. This is not true! God is simply doing the best work possible in your life. Trust him for the answer.

-AaronU 15

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Government!

Who can take your money?
With a twinkle in their eye.
Take it all away and give it to some other guy?
The Government!

Who can tax the sunrise?
Who can tax the trees?
Let you run a buisness then collect up all the fees?
The Government!

Who can give a bail out?
Tell us to behave,
and make the founding fathers roll over in their grave?
The Government!

Who can take
everything we make,
to pay for all of their "solutions?
Healthcare, climate change, pollution...just throw away the constitution!
The Government!

Who can be a failure?
In so many ways.
But instead of being fired, hey! lets give ourselves a raise!
The Government!

Typed by AaronU

Written by Tim Hawkins
(look up the real video "The Government Can" on Youtube to see this in song form, its halarious!)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

In the Garden

 I come to the garden alone,
While the dew is still on the roses;
And the voice I hear, falling on my ear,
The Son of God discloses.

He speaks, and the sound of His voice
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing’
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing.

I’d stay in the garden with Him
Tho the night around me be falling;
But he bids me go; thru the voice of woe
His voice to me is calling.

And He walks with me, and He talks with me,
And he tells me I am his own;
And the joy we share as we tarry there,
None other has ever known.
-C. Austin Miles

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Audrey Hepburn Drawing

One of my friends scetched this actress, and it looked so good, i had to do one of my own!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We say Pro-Choice, God says Murder

When our great nation was founded, moral standards were known and people abided by these codes of conduct and decency. Most people knew their place, and were happy to stay there.
            As the years went by we began to become discontented with our lives and wanted to break free from moral conduct. It started as women began dressing and acting like men. Men lost their backbone and began conforming the mindset of “there are no absolutes”. In the 1960’s drugs came on the scene in a whole new way. The “if it feels good do it” standard of living swept America by storm and many homes, lives, communities were ripped apart by the overwhelming plague called addiction. In the 1960’s fornication also began to become a normal and accepted event! Belief in God began to become a thing of the past for many people. However, drugs, alcohol, and fornication are nothing compared to the sin that has recently swept the country…Abortion.

            In America murder has always been seen as a crime and a sin. If a citizen of the United States of America were to murder someone, he/her would be subject to severe punishment.
            Yet, in this nation there is a slaughter of hundreds taking place that is more tragic than the holocaust.  The number of murdered babies in this country is well over the Jews and other victims that perished in the holocaust. The only difference between the holocaust and abortion is that the victims of Adolph Hitler’s rule could fight for their own freedom and well being. There were entire nations fighting against Hitler and the Nazis. We fought and died for hundreds of people we didn’t even know. However, Americans sit idly by while thousands of our own children are slain before they see the light of day.

            God has a perfect plan for every life. If you study God’s word thoroughly you will see that God knows you from before conception and into eternity. A baby is never just a piece of flesh to God. He loves that little unborn child and is very sad when he/she is killed before his purpose for their lives can be fulfilled.
When George Tiller (Well known abortion doctor) was shot and killed, the media talked of the grief of his family, the grief of America, and hundreds of women who would have to go without their abortions. The media never once mentioned the thousands of babies being brutally burned and suffocated before they even got to open their eyes.

Abortion is devastating, abortion is selfish, and abortion is sin. As the world’s leader in the practice of abortion we could, and should be judged for our foolish, greedy, selfish behavior.
