As the American evangelical church drifts farther and farther from true Christianity, so does its music. The pop/rock culture has taken the place of hymns and spirituals songs sang in churches that truly glorified God. Children growing up in this modern age are confused about who God truly is, one of the reasons for that is the lack of true Christian music to back up their beliefs.
First of all, music is good. God invented music and he loves it when we use this gift to give him praise. Music is mentioned throughout the Bible. Moses and the children of Israel sang a song after the miraculous red sea crossing, David sang and played his harp in praise to the Lord. Psalms (music quoting passages of scripture), Hymns (music glorifying God in his three beings, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost), and finally spiritual songs (music telling of how God has touched you in a personal way) are all excellent ways to glorify God and encourage us in our faith.
Anointed artists (such as John Newton, Bill Gaither, C Austin Miles, Phillip Bliss and many more) who wrote songs that truly glorified God are many times considered obsolete in this modern age. Artists such as Skillet, TobyMac, and Switchfoot are replacing the old gospel tunes we love. A lot of these artists start with good intentions but in the end, begin to lift themselves up instead of God, it turns into a career, instead of a ministry. The “pastors” of today say, “We need something more exciting than just plain Christianity”. They replace the classic clean guitars and pianos with wailing instruments of rock and roll. The churches make their “worship services” louder and louder, and sometimes their congregation begins to grow, but they should ask themselves “Are we really helping these people?” “Or just entertaining them?”
Think about this as you go about your day. Do your play lists include “Contemporary Christian” music that is not truly Christian? Do you listen to secular music that contradicts what you believe? Perhaps we all should search our entertainment and ask God, and ourselves “Is this going to drag me down? Will this discourage my faith? Is God pleased with this?”
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